Survivor, Now Fighter

I lost my dear mother to breast cancer in 1961. She was 38 yrs old; I was 11 yrs old. So, it wasn't a huge shock when I had breast cancer in 1994.( 16 yrs. ago) A .5cm lump was found on a mammogram. I was Stage 1 with no cancer in any lymph nodes, so didn't require chemo or radiaton. I did choose to have a mastectomy due to the history.

This past Spring, I found a lump on my other breast. A mammo and ultrasound showed suspicion, but, even though a biopsy's results were benign,the medical personnel weren't convinced of the results. I chose to have a mastectomy. Out of 23 lymph nodes that were removed, 5 were cancerous. I am Stage 3 and will begin my treatments very soon. .

In addition, a week after my mastectomy, a hematoma was discovered and I had surgery to remove that. After another week, I had a massive infection and was hospitalized for 4 days. I return to the hospital this week, hoping the infection is healed enough that I can begin chemo.

So, after being a survivor for 16 yrs, I'm now fighting. And I'm doing it with humor. My own motto I created is: Fight with Funny!

My computer friends may not be here locally, but they ARE my heart. They have been sending cards, calling me on the phone, and continually post comments to let me know I'm in their prayers.

I was cancer-free for 16 yrs. The "cliche" is that after 5 yrs, the chances are slim of a re-occurrence. You never know. Anything can happen. It is not written in stone. God Bless.

Daytona Beach, FL