I published a story a few years back about cancer and how devasting it is to hear those words that "you have cancer". While cancer can be treated and you can be a survivor numerous times, most people do not realize that cancer is a disease and a lifetime diagnosis. I have been diagnosed with cancer since 1999. I have survived this disease 4 times already. Cancer appeared at first, in my breast, chemo and radiation and a lumpectomy and THANK GOD I was in remission. This horrible disease can and has in my case resurfaced in other parts of my body. In medical terms its called metatasis, or metastatic disease, which is the spread of a cancer from one organ or part to another non-adjacent organ or part. After the tumor cells come to rest at another site, they re-penetrate the vessel or walls and continue to multiply, eventually forming another clinically detectable tumor. This new tumor is known as a metastatic (or secondary) tumor. It helps to know what may occur and how to prepare for it. Metastasis depends on the cancer cells acquiring two separate abilities -- increased motility and invasiveness. . If a cancer arises in the lung and metastasizes to the liver, the cancer cells in the liver are lung cancer cells. However, the cells have acquired increased motility and the ability to invade another organ.With God's Blessings I have faced this disease and have survived it now for 15 years now, and I am truly Blessed. I have fought this disease with having knowledge of the disease, not fearing it, but rather facing it. If you face your foe, you can defeat it. I certainly hope that those who have this disease face it with deternination, and strength in knowing that this disease can be beaten, this disease can be conquered and that with knowing what you are facing, you have a 100% more abilities to fight it. May God Bless you and to all those who have this disease, you are in my prayers.
Love and Blessings, Vera Ferrara-Rone Allentown,PA

Vera Ferrara-Rone
Allentown, PA