Survivor and current fighter

I was diagnosed in 1994 with hodgskins lymphoma. I was twenty four years of age. I had two boys who were four and two at the time. I had radiation which shrunk the tumor. I then had chemo because the cancer relapsed into my chest. After surviving this I went through a divorce and raised two kids as a single mom. In June 2008 I got married for the second time to a wonderful man. My kids are now 21 and 23 years old. Christmas week December 2013 I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. I found the tumor myself while in the shower. I insisted on a mammogram wich showed two lumps in my left breast. I had an ultrasound as well that showed four lumps. I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I also had 12 lymph nodes removed from my arm pit. The lymphnode closest to the breast came back positive for cancer. I will begin my first chemo treatment on February 24th. I beat cancer once I will do it again. I had a great support system then and I have a great one now. My breast cancer was likely caused by the radiation but I will get genetic testing just to be sure. Thanks for letting me share my story.

Daniele albanese
Milford, DE