SURVIVOR 10042004

My name is Leanne Willcuts and I am a 37 year old, late stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor.
I found a lump when I was 32 years old, and went to my sister to ask her what it was. She told me to go to the doctor that very day.
I went to the doctor and they sent me for a mammagram and an ultra sound. They misdiagnosed me.
2 weeks later it had double in size. We went for a second opinion on the ultra sound, and found that I had a tumor the size of a tennis ball.
It was a whirl wind expierence. They, quicker than I could even get used to the idea that I might have Cancer, got me into surgery and removed a very large tumor...and the surgeon came to my sister (my only support at the time since my mom and dad were out of town).
My poor sister had to hear that I had Breast Cancer and was probably in late stage 4. She waited until my mom got home to tell me, bless her heart.
Shortly after, they removed all 19 of my lymphnodes.
After my surgery my wound would not hold stiches, so I had to heal from the inside out. A nurse had to come out 2x a day to clean and dress the wound, and I could not start Chemo until the wound was healed.
Shortly after starting Chemo, the doctors told me I only had 6 months to live because it had spread to my liver.

I never believed I would die, so I fought it!
With a tremendous support group as my I am today.
I am very proud to be a Breast Cancer Survivor. It changed my life!
Thank you God!

Leanne Willcuts
Lacey, WA