
In May 2013 I noticed a enlarged lymph node under my right armpit. After another mamo and a biopsy it was found that I had metastatic breast cancer and now the hunt for the primary tumor. After a MRI a 6cm mass was found in my right breast. After that everything became a whirlwind. A port was placed and a PET scan was done. I then started with 4 rounds of Adriamycin followed by 8 rounds of taxol/herceptin. During this time I did the BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing which came back negative.

During my chemo I seemed to have lost my hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, endured bone pain and even lost myself for a while. With help of family and friends I managed to stay on course and push through my treatments. Within 3 weeks from finishing chemo I had a bilateral mastectomy. (That seemed to be the easiest challenge of this whole mess). After surgery I was finally staged: Her 2+ IDC stage IIA with 1/7 positive lymph nodes.

I am now getting ready to start the new year with 37 rounds of radiation. I have made it this far and I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am 41 years old with a husband and 3 children. Their support has been great along with friends. I encourage others who notice a lump under their arm to have it checked right away and not wait. Also for women who are large breasted, mamo's have a hard time seeing through the dense breast tissue. My tumor was never seen on my mammograms. I would suggest a MRI periodically to be safe. We can beat this., will not win

Jennifer Hartman
Huachuca city, AZ