Surviving Breast Cancer / Divorce / Pneumonia

Well what I thought was going to be a normal checkup turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare..I was 37 years old and was told that I had Stage 11 Breast Cancer..I just couldn't believe that something like this could happen to me but it did..I would later have surgery and start my treatments not knowing what else was fixing to happen to me..All during my treatments my husband was there but not physically or mentally..Ignoring me all the time and sleeping on the couch..It hurt but I knew that I had to fight this terrible disease that had taken over my body. The treatments were terrible but I fought through them giving god all the glory..During this time I begged and begged my husband to not leave me but he chose to do so anyway..He would literally serve me on my last treatment....Forcing me to move out of my brand new home and telling me to find me some insurance..In my mind I was thinking how could somebody be so mean and cruel but I knew God still had me in his hands and he had a purpose..I then caught several different kinds of pneumonia and not expecting to live but by the grace of god..He pulled me through once again and I gave him all the glory..To this day I haven't heard from my husband and I am now a 3 year survivor..How he lives with himself, I do not know, but I do know that god has met everyone of my needs and has never, ever let me down..He got me through the chemo, my hair falling out and radiation..As well as all of the other terrible side affects that go along with chemo and radiation..So remember FIGHT LIKE A GIRL AND FIGHT IT HARD...And remember that you can overcome anything you want to..But you have to get strong and stay strong..I know that god left me here to help other women and give them hope and courage and that is exactly what I will do..SO FIGHT IT HEAD ON AND BE STRONG..

tammy montgomery
odenville, AL