
I have been getting my yearly Mammogram since I was 40, no one in my family had Breast Cancer. I was shocked when on June 2011 based on the views obtained, there is an abnormal area on my that I go get a Post Breast Biopsy.
So when they told me it was Ductal Carcinorma (Cancer) I was so surprised.

On August 8, 2011 had to have Breast Surgery the surgeon told me that they got it all.
Even though it was only Stage 0 I still need to have 33 days of Radiation and Take one of the Cancer drugs for the next 5 years.

I saw my Surgeon for the last time back in Aug.2013 he said I made it clean for 2yrs. I still going very 3 mo. to get blood work and
get my prescription need to do the for 3 more yrs. I feel blessed that they found it early.

Bethany Tomlins
Beacon, NY