
On 03 Dec 13 I arrived at Hospital for a routine procedure to remove a swollen lymph node. This day would change my life forever.
When I woke up My husband had to break the news to me. The doctor found 4 swollen lymph nodes with Cancer in them. They weren't sure what kind of cancer or where it came from. They would have to send them out for a biopsy and we would find out by next Tues 10 Dec.
I don't remember crying. I think I was in Shock. That was the longest week of mine and Jeff's life.
On 9 Dec we went back to the doctor's office. The biopsy was in....It is Breast Cancer. My doctor was clearly upset...he said he never had this happen to him before and him and his nurse said they would help in any way they could.
My next appt was with the oncologist. on 10 Dec. and this is when the tornado started. I can't remember the whole conversation so it's a good thing Jeff was there and they give you a nurse interpreter.

Next was to meet my Breast specialist and a PET Scan.
My Mother-in-law went to that Dr appt with me. He did two needle biopsies. He stuck a needle in the spot that he thought was cancerous and looked at them under a microscope and sure enough they were the cancer. He than ordered an MRI to look at the right breast.
So the PET scan showed that the cancer spread just below my collar bone but that was treatable too. So I am Stage 4 and the strategy is Chemo .... Mastectomy ..... Radiation.
On 17 Dec I had a port put in my chest, this should save my veins and be less painful.
Dec 18 My chemo began. 4 1/2 of treatment. The nurses are awesome, The Chemo treatments were not that bad. Well until Saturday, I got a little sick in my belly but not as bad as I thought. Next treatment on 7 Jan.

Stephanie Probst
Knightstown, IN