Supportive Husband...

My DCIS was discovered early by mammogram in 2006. After 18 years of biopsies (both sides) and at least ten ultrasounds, I finally had a confirmed cancer. My surgeon recommended a mastectomy of the right breast due to scattered calcifications. We elected to just end it with bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. Because of that decision, I did not require either radiation or chemo. My husband and I traveled 3 hours for every trip to Indianapolis and almost 4 hours for every trip to Columbus for surgeries and reconstruction. He made every trip a treat with a special restaurant, shopping center or hotel. Thank God for my husband. On the day they told me I was cured, he stopped at a diamond center (at my request) and my diamond earrings are the trophy for my recovery. My husband is the real trophy.

Diane Manley
Leesburg, IN