Story of a Breast Cancer Survivor. This is my story

During that moment in my life, I was a 28 year old mother of two and married to the love of my life. My husband is active duty in the US Navy and required our family to move from Virginia Beach to New Jersey. Looking for a quick weight loss answer a dear cousin of mine urged me for a few months to find a family physician a get a medication she was taking to loose weight. I finally went when I found the time to go. While meeting with him, he asked when was the last time I met with a OB/GYN. I felt that question was strange because it totally came unexpectedly. I was due so he recommended a great doctor whom, I never thought would be the Doctor that saved my life. When I meet with my OB/GYN, he checked everything and said all was great but because my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in her 40's, he felt it was a good idea to get a baseline mammogram for future reference, so I went. I was advised by the technician doing my mammogram that I may get called for further pictures and not to worry much if they do, so when I was called for more pics, I did just that, not worry. The worrying began when I was called for a biopsy but again, I was reassured by the radiologist that I was young and all will be well. When I received the call 24 hours later by the same radiologist to tell me that in fact my biopsy resulted calcification a on my left breast, all I could think of was my kids, my husband and how I was going to die. A nurse then called me and informed me that I was diagnosed with a curable cancer called DCIS. I then regain the strength I needed to fight. I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. When pathology report came in, it also showed calcification a on my right breast. Now, 5 years later remaining cancer free and forever counting my blessings.

Jocelyn Perry
Virginia Beach, VA