Stevie's Story

My experience with cancer started very early. My family, unfortunately,is all too familiar with this disease and what it can do. Nearly every woman in my family has battled cancer in one form or another. My grandmother lost her fight when I was a teenager. My mother has survived both cervical and breast cancer. My oldest sister lost both her breasts by the time she was 31. Now I'm 35. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in Oct and now breast cancer. I have to be honest here and tell u that I have never in my life been more afraid than I am right now. Its a little complicated for me because I have no job, and no insurance. Because of my age and I have no children,I am ineligible for medicaid and similar programs in my state. So I have had quite a bit of trouble finding help as far as treatment. But, with alot of prayer,phone calls, and help from a new friend I made on Facebook of all places!!, I found a place near the town I live in that has agreed to help me. God bless 'em! They said they don't turn anyone away even if all u can pay is 25 bucks a month! So I have an appt there next Friday to see an actual doctor! God works in wondrous and mysterious ways my friends. I have also been blessed with a truly wonderful man in my life that in the past few weeks has shown me the true meaning of love and what a REAL man can be! So I start this fight...afraid? Yes. Beaten? HELL NO! I will win... picked the wrong country girl! Ima whoop ur butt!!!!!!

Stevie Ammons
Panama City, FL