Staying strong and moving on

In April one of my best friends was diagnosed with breast cancer which prompted me to get my ck up. My emotional roller coaster began on my 44th birthday May 17th, when I had my mammogram followed by a double biopsy. On June 9th the results were back and I was diagnosed with IDC in the right breast, micro calcifications in the left. After multiple tests I opted for a double mastectomy with reconstruction started immediately. I fought to keep my lymph nodes and the surgeon only took one to check. What a shock it was when the pathology report came back with micromets in that one lymph node and my surgeon insisting I go back in the have the rest removed. I refused to make a decision until I had talked to my oncologist. Because the micromet was so small the oncologist agreed with me that there was no need to remove any more nodes. I'm BRAC neg, both ER & PR positive and HER2 neg and my OncoType DX came back a 10. No chemo, no radiation!! I will be on Tamoxifan for 5-10 years and the only side effects so far are my nails and hair are growing like crazy.
At first I was scared! Then I decided this was not going to get me down. I would not wallow in self pity and spend my life crying about it, so I researched and read everything I could get. Some helped, some scared my to death. Through it all I have forced my self to stay positive. I will not let cancer beat me! My life is worth fighting for! I am truly blessed by all the love and support I received from friends and family.
May God Bless each and everyone of you battling this monster!

Friendswood, TX