Staying Positive

It's been a complete whirlwind since my diagnosis on April 17, 2013. The amount of information that you have to digest and the decisions you have to make is enough to make your head spin. Through it all, my family and friends have been right there. Beside me, behind me and smack dab in front of me! I love them all. I've had my bad days and my teary-eyed moments; I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But all in all I've stayed positive and kept the smile on my face. I don't just do it for me...I do it for everyone around me and for those that will unfortunately come after me. I want to be a role model for my children and this is my opportunity to show them that staying strong is the only way to be! I am a survivor. I've already set my mind to it. During my treatments I've met many other patients who have harder struggles than me and they are surviving every day. I'm grateful that I get to spend my days in a fairly "normal" capacity. I'm truly lucky in the fact that my journey so far has been somewhat uneventful, and I like it that way. Yes I've lost my hair, but it's just hair! It doesn't keep me from going on day to day or from being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, neice, aunt, cousin or friend. Attitude is everything. You have to understand that you can't turn back time to your life before cancer. You can only move forward and live for every day and it helps to keep a smile on your face!

Hebron, MD