Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor

In 2004, 1 month before my 35th birthday, I found a lump in my left breast! After tests and biopsy I was told that I had BC and I had positive nodes! My world was turned upside down! I had young children to take care of! After speaking to my doctors, I went aggressive and have a double mastectomy.
The day after my surgery, we were still receiving test results from scans. My whole life changed! 8 liver mets also! I was given 2 weeks to heal and start visits with my plastic surgeon to start have reconstruction. So we started the tissue expander process and started injecting saline into my expanders to stretch the skin for implants!
Two weeks post op I had a liver biopsy! Most painful thing I have ever experienced! I cried the whole day! I could not get control of my emotions! I started chemo a couple of weeks later! Had chemo on Friday, Felt fine for 2 days then it hit! An illness like I had never experienced! Saw doc on Monday and gave me meds for my nausea! It worked! It was wonderful!
Within 2 weeks I was running a high fever and felt horrible! Went to ER and I had a staph infection in my left breast! They had to operate again and remove expanders! I spent 2 weeks in the hospital on the strongest antibiotics ever! After recovery I began chemo again for 6 months and Herceptin weekly! I'm her2neu + also! At last remission!
Made it 5 years and reoccurred in 2010. Took chemo pill that time! Worked again! 4 years later I am still in remission and receiving Herceptin for the rest of my life! My children are now grown! My biggest fear was that my children would grow up without a mother! All of my prayers have been answered and I continue to thrive and have become a grandmother! November I will be a 10 year 2 time stage 4 SURVIVOR! Thankyou to God and the love of my wonderful family and friends!

Gautier, MS