Stage 3C breast cancer

My name is Cheryl, I am 51 years old and I was diagnosed with Stage 3C HER2+ positive BC In August 2013, Sept 24 I had a double Mastectomy and started my 6 rounds of Chemo in October. Unfortunately my surgical site reopened in November and had to stop treatment for 2 months to try and heal, I had a home health nurse coming to my house 3 times a week to clean and change my bandage which was not healing very fast due to the treatments I already had the healing process was extremely slow, finally I had to have a wound vac attached to my chest for a month and it finally started to heal. Then in January I developed cellulitus and spent 7 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics. Finally in February 2014 I started chemo again and I have 1 more to go on April 1st, after chemo is done I will be having 7 weeks of radiation 5 days a week and finishing my 52 weeks of herceptin in the fall of 2014. My experience has truly been a roller coaster ride, but the one piece of advice I will give to all is you must stay positive and focus on recovering, without my positive attitude I don't think I would made it this far with feeling as good as I do, my side effects to chemo have been minimal and I focus on getting past all the treatment and to move on with my life...God Bless all of you that are fighting this horrific disease, just remember you can do it keep your chin up and fight like a girl!!

Cheryl Jones
Holiday, FL