Sometimes it hard to share

I'm a very private person, and for me to post anything about my cancer is Big Big thing. I sit here crying just telling you about it. I found out Sept 6th 2012 that I have stage 4 Breast Cancer. Very quickly went through Chemo and Radiation. Jan 31, 2013 I had my right breast removed. I thought that would be no mental issue for me since I'm over 50, my kids are grown and I'm Happily married(Boy was I wrong). My insurance does not cover reconstruction surgery. Well, let me tell you... Losing one of your breast is such a very hard thing to deal with. Jan of 2014 I finally got a really good prostatic, (Had to wait till my skin healed from radiation) it helps a lot, but if you can get reconstruction surgery go for it. Any way I will never be cancer free for it has spread into my spine, neck and lungs. They can not operate, but I have daily meds (That are working) and once a month I go for a treatment that makes my bones stronger. All in all I feel pretty good. I am not going to die from this, and as they say, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

Joni Brezenoff
Hendersonville, NC