Some fun can be had!

I'm just another woman who was saved by a well-timed mammogram. My cancer was found early but because it was triple negative I had the whole shebang thrown my, chemo, and radiation. I wanted to just submit a short story here to talk for a moment about my experience with chemo. I'm not sure I've ever been so afraid as I was walking into the hospital for my first chemo. After the first time I was no longer so terrified but after the first 4 somewhat unpleasant infusions I switched to weekly Taxol and had the time of my life in chemo! I'm in Germany and my treatment was in an older hospital with just 5 chairs, no curtains, no cubicles. There was one room full of rowdy women, I begged my way in and kind of hated to leave when my infusion was over! We talked and laughed and snacked and partied when someone was finished. My husband always went with me because it was so much fun for him too...even the husbands had fun together! Infusions for me were on Fridays and on Thursday nights my husband was chomping at the bit for Friday to arrive. Cancer is scary, treatment is scary, but thanks to an open and fun-loving nursing staff as well as great luck with the other women, it is in retrospect a time I will remember as not at all so bad! Find someone nice to talk to in chemo and it will make all the difference. The woman in the chair next to you "gets it!"

Susan F.
Munich, Germany