Single Mom two time survivor

I was a 35 year old single mother when I got my first cancer diagnosis. It was stage one infiltrating ductal carcinoma. I had surgery, chemo and radiation and was told less than a 10% chance of re-occurrence. Less than 2 years later it was back. This time it was stage 4 because it had moved into my lungs, although it was still caught early. Had to have another surgery to put my port back in and started chemo again. Luckily after 6 treatments I was cancer free and will be 9 years in August. All if this while working full time, raising a teenage boy and taking care of a house and yard. I stayed positive and strong. I am now happily married and my son is 24 years old and living on his own. I look forward to my future and thank God for modern medicine and the power of prayer.

Michele Krieg
Gonzales, LA