Silver Linings

This April, at age 35, while 5 months pregnant, I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. It was aggressive and growing fast. I had to "terminate the pregnancy" so within 2 weeks of the diagnosis, I was induced and delivered our son, Aiden, who we had 2 beautiful hours with before he passed on. The following morning I had my mediport put in and began chemo 2 days later. We were in the eye of the tornado known as Breast Cancer.

However, during this time...this journey, I have learned so much. Thanks to my amazing husband, (who shaved his head along with me and made me feel like I looked like a Goddess after my mastectomy) we have come through this with a dignity and strength that I am so proud of. Your perspective changes so much when faced with this. I have learned to find the silver lining in everything.

The beauty in everything around me, the appreciation for the simple things, the kindness of a stranger, and the drive and passion that may have been sleeping before all of this...I feel them all more than ever. So much so that I have done a complete career change. I will be spending the rest of the life I have been graced with helping others in this position.

And so, ironically, what inspires me is not just the unbelievable love and support of my family and friends, but the strength, beauty, and courage of those fighting this fight...and sites like yours...who help so much.

Richland, WA