I am writing this story on this site in honor of my grandmother whom i had lost to breast cancer 22 years ago. Her name is Shirley Hastings. This women is remarkable in so many ways. This disease had impacted my life and the life of my family. I remember how wonderful she was. Her laugh, smile, voice, and most of all, her love. She had cared for her family so much. I remember holidays, family parties, and her pot roast (which i still cant duplicate to this day)!

In March of 1988, was when the good lord decided to bless my grandmother into eternal life. A life with out pain, a life without suffering, and a life without anymore tears. She faught a good fight with this disease and even though she lost her battle, I as her granddaughter, remain here fighting the war. The war for her and the other women in this world fighting this cancer.

I do anything i possibly can to support this cause! Bracelets, snuggies, hats, shirts, and have even grew my hair out three feet waiting for the perfect chance to donate it to women like her!!!!!! I as a women would like to show my support by doing anything i can... And to anyone who reads my story and have ever doubted yourself or the lord....keep the faith and keep fighting!

-----------Ryann Grills 29, Chicago IL

chicago, IL