She loved her family

Not even sure where to begin... I lost my mom to breast cancer in May of 2010. This was her second round of breast cancer, and it was a relentless one. She was diagnosed in April of 2009 with stage IV breast cancer; it had spread to her liver. She had gone in for a mammogram 6 months earlier because her breast was hurting, it missed her cancer. After several months of several different chemos, the doctors thought they had it under control and planned to do her second mastectomy (first one was done 9 years earlier). From that surgery came infection, then reaction to medications, then pain and more pain as it continued to spread like wildfire through her body. She was very dignified and graceful through all of this. She died very peacefully with a smile on her face, she was home. She is missed by her family every day. I don't want anyone else to have to go through what she went through, to see what we saw, or to have to hear the words "You have cancer". This is why I click...

Oshkosh, WI