Self exams are critical for young women!

At thirty years old I found a small lump. It never occurred to me that this could be cancer. I was young, healthy, and had no family history. The doctor wanted to remove what he thought was a harmless fibroid tumor. The next day I received the call that would change my life as well as the lives of my entire family. I had invasive ductal carcinoma. It is amazing how quickly a person can become fluent in doctor jargon. I had caught my cancer early, but it was her 2 positive, so my treatment plan had to be aggressive to prevent a reoccurrence. After enduring chemo, radiation, and five years of hormone suppression therapy I am now a seven year survivor! I tell everyone that will listen to me that a self exam saved my life. My first mammogram would not have been done until the age of forty and by that time it would most definitely have been too late! Young women do get breast cancer!

Spokane, WA