Self Exams alone are not enough!

I was 38 years old when I was diagnosed. Having a family history, my doctor suggested I should do self exams starting at age 33. About 5 years later, I found the dreaded "lump" which turned out to be nothing on my mammogram. However, they did find another "spot" which was biopsied and turned out to be malignant. I had the tumor removed and went for radiation. After examining my slides, my radiation oncologist determined that I had Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in my right breast and sent me back to my doctor. At that point, he recommended a double mastectomy because of my family history. I agreed, and after the surgery they informed me that they had found cancer on the other side as well! In situ is too small to feel, and can only be detected by a mammogram. Please always make sure you have your slides read by more than one doctor. This is what saved my life!

DeLynn Madoux
Oklahoma City, OK