Second time around

In Januar of 2004, I had a baseline mammogram done at the insistence of my OB/GYN. With no history of breast cancer in family I was not so sure but I made the call & went in. To my surprise they called me to come back in for magnified mammo since they found something but it was real small. After another mammo & a biopsy, I was diagnosed with stage 1 DCIS. I then had a mastectomy followed by reconstruction. Told everything was good & didn't have to have left breast mammoed again. Forward to August of 2012. I went on a weekend camping trip to the beach. Came home and discovered my left breast was red, so I assumed it was a bug bite. 2 weeks later still red but now swollen & hot to the touch, I went to doctor told it was mastitis & given 2 antibiotics. After the 10 days no better, so went to a different doctor. He sent me for a biopsy that afternoon. On September 13, 2012, just 3 days later and the day after I saw the Stanley Cup, I got the news. I had stage 3 Inflammatory breast cancer. How could I have breast cancer in a reconstructed breast, was my firsf question. After getting all my questiona answered & lots of tears, I kicked into fighting mode. Went to oncologist the next week & started weekly chemo the next week. On January 14, 213, I had my second mastectomy, this time no reconstruction. A month later went back to chemo since cancer was found in my lymph nodes. On July 31, 2013, I had my last round of chemo. Here I am, almost a year later, cancer free, enjoying life and a second Stanley Cup win by my beloved Los Angeles Kings.

Denise FitzGerald
Los Angeles, CA