Second round/ Final round

2008 my annual Mammography & Sonogram showed a lump.The MRI showed actually 3 lumps. On Dec. 23rd I secretly had the biopsy performed. One week later I was diagnosed with Stage 2B Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma at the age of 47. The MRI showed 3 tumors in my right breast, and the Pet CT Scan showed that I also had 3 tumors in my Pancreas. A mother of 3 and a grandmother of 1, with 2 more on the way, I knew that I had to fight for my life!!!. The chemo was brutal and with enduring a Right Radical Mastectomy, Lymph Disection, a Pancreatecomy, Splenotomy, & reconstruction surgeries, 2009 is a year that I will never forget!!!. "whatever could go wrong, did", but with love and never ending prayers of my family, friends and neighbors, I won that battle. I was excited about reaching that 5 year mark, but Aug. of 2013 pain & swelling in my abdomen. Sonogram showed that I had multiple lesions in my liver. A biopsy followed, and my Oncologist gave me the news that I now had Stage 4 Metastatic Liver Cancer, with a life expectancy of 9 - 12 months. This month brings me into that 9th month. On May 10th I celebrated my 53rd birthday, and I live with great expectation of celebrating many more!!!. The prayers of the righteous is giving me strength, and my heavenly father is healing me. The doctors are amazed!!! The lesions are turning into scar tissue, the largest lesion has gone from 4cm down to 2.8cm, I've had 22 chemo's thus far. The Oncologist doesn't know how many more will be needed, but my faith in God is telling me, Not to many more. So many have told me "You don't look sick", and I say to them "I'm Not"!! . No matter what your diagnosis, just know that It's not over, until God say's it over!!! I continue to live, dance & sing like no one is watching!!! The attached photo was taken on my 53rd I look sick to you?

Mary Turner
Uniondale, NY