
On January 31, 2013 I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. On that day, my life changed.
February 28th I began round 1 of 4 cycles of chemo therapy, in case you are wondering, yes…I lost all my hair.
July 9th I had a bi-lateral mastectomy. From July – October I had a total of 3 surgeries & was hospitalized for 4 days due to catching a horrible staph infection.
December 6th I have begun round 1 of 2 more cycles of chemotherapy. On December 20th I go for my final round.
When I mentioned above that my life changed, this is HOW my life changed:
God’s Holy Spirit intensified. My spirit along with the Lord’s spirit had become unbreakable. It’s as if His spirit spoke deep into my soul and said “I got this!” and truly He did. God became the Captain over my body and He took every single needle injection, every dose of chemo imaginable and took every ounce of anxiousness away and brought me peace. He brought me love. He gave me comfort.
If there is anything I can do for The Lord as He has done for me this is it! I want to share what God has done in my life and how He has and continues to help me overcome these hurdles we go through in life, especially when they become life threatening and it seems as if there is absolute no control. He IS in control. He always has been. It’s just a matter of letting go and letting God be.

Florence Gomez
Irvine, CA