Refuse to Sink

My story starts in May 2013, the diagnosis, advanced lobular carcinoma. What?????? I'm only 41 yrs. old, yes I have grandmothers on both sides of the family that have had it, but both post menopausal. This can't be happening, I have a husband, three kids, I'm PTO President, etc. I thank God everyday that it was my 6th month follow up visit, and in the state of Connecticut if you have dense tissue you can have an ultrasound. My mass didn't even show up on the mammogram.

In July I had a double mastectomy, that may have been one of the easiest decisions. Cancer does a number on you both mentally and physically, it's not an easy road and after a few complications and 12 weeks of chemo, I am happy to say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have an amazing family and wonderful friends that have supported me along the way, them along with a positive attitude and the ability to laugh at yourself are the things that made all of this easier. I recently celebrated the end of chemo with a tattoo, my new motto, " Refuse to Sink". Whatever life throws at me I will over come it and what doesn't kill you, make you stronger!

Cara Spath
Southbury, CT