Reduce Your Risk

After being diagnosed with breast cancer 1 year ago, Oct. 2008, at the age of 44, I began reading and learning about the various contributors to breast cancer risks. Many of them I never knew before my diagnosis or didn't believe it could happen to ME. Some of them were not within my control, such as a family history 2 generations back. Others were in my control while I was younger but it was too late (such as a diet high in sugar and red meat and use of birth control pills for long term). Yet there are things that I was able to change in my lifestyle NOW to reduce my own risks of a recurrence such as exercising (sweating every day), changing my diet to be more vegetarian, eating hormone free meats & dairy, whole grain and low sugar, and changing my deodorants, perfumes, lotions and any products I use on my skin, as well as doing my monthly self breast exams. I had a mastectomy and full year of chemo therapy and am now finishing my last three months of treatment stronger than I ever was! I hope to help other women learn early on that maybe they won't have to go through what I did. I launched a web site called Reduce Your Risk at to help young women know how to help themselves become more educated about breast cancer. I pray that one day my 16 year old daughter can live in a world free of the disease.

K. R. H.
Northern Virginia, VA