ReBirth Through Breast Cancer

Five years ago, at 52, I was diagnosed. Family history, a benign lump removed at 19, regular mammos and ultrasounds began at 32. Large fibrocystic (lumpy) breasts made self exams difficult.

Raising a family, homeschooling, home business, music ministry & caring for my parents....there was NO TIME to relax (and I didn't know how to slow down!)

Then it happened...our 27 yr. marriage ended and 2 weeks after signing divorce papers,.....breast cancer!!! Though rare, only 99% chance of spreading,...I WAS IN THE 1%....and it had spread to one lymph node & eventually a second site. Stage 2/3.

The next 4 years included 3 lumpectomies, lymphnode dissection, 6 rounds chemo, 7 weeks radiation, complete hysterectomy (to prevent ovarian cancer) & bilateral mastectomy/reconstruction....ALONG with the divorce settlement....without a clear brain, nor strength to fight it.

My life was "in pieces" as I clung to Jesus and my closest supporters, appreciating their love, support & encouragement. They allowed me to "feel my feelings, flowing through buckets of tears". I talked it out & wrote about it in my journal. Days of recovery seemed endless... the last 2 chemos were extremely difficult and I wanted to QUIT,...but didn't!

Today, I eat healthy foods (organic when possible), look for "fun" exercise & enjoy each day as "A Special Gift", trusting God for the future. I no longer put off til's"One Day at a Time". Opportunities for travel with friends, I'm living out my dreams! Life has new meaning and purpose. My grown kids love their "new" mom...and so do I!

Breast cancer & divorce didn't kill me....with time, it made me stronger & happier! I didn't know I could survive either one, but God walked beside me each step of the way & I will be forever grateful....Life Is GOOD! :)

Ruth Ann
Georgetown, CA