My name is Cathy Gould, I am a 47 yr old woman who was just recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. I haven't started any chemo or radiation, but will be in about 2 weeks. To everyone out there dealing with this disease and to those of you who have dealt with this, my hat goes off to you. Ya'll are my hero. After I have fought this disease, I'm going to have a mastecomy on both breasts and have them reconstructed with my own body fat and saline implants, so I plan on eating alot . I already have my wigs (very hot wigs) false eyelashes and stocking up on water, ensure, boost ,asparagus, vitamins and smoothies. Also my brother is a Radiation Oncologists who is overseeing all the procedures with my doctors. I am very lucky to have him and have complete trust in him. I WILL FIGHT THIS DISEASE WITH EVERY MEAN BONE IN MY BODY... I REFUSE TO HAVE ANY DISEASE TAKE OVER MY BODY!!! THIS IS MY BODY AND I DID NOT INVITE CANCER IN. SO EVERYONE BE STRONG BECAUSE WHEN GOD CREATED US-- HE MADE US ALL STRONG WOMEN WHO CAN HANDLE ANYTHING THAT CROSSES OUR PATHS. I WILL SURVIVE THIS, CONQUER THIS, AND LIVE FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME..........READY TO BATTLE...CATHY
cathymetairie, LA