Proud to be a 'Survivor"

I had genetic testing for the BRAC gene late 2007/early 2008. As I expected I was positive BRAC-1. The Breast Specialist talked to me about my risks and sent me to meet with an Oncologist to hear my risks and what options I had to be proactive about it. Needless to say, I didn't get around to doing anything. Around March, 2009 a friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, this got me scared and I went for my mammogram & MRI. The Breast doctor asked to do needle biopsy (I thought it would be a cyst).... anyway, it was Breast Cancer. We quickly talked out what the best procedure to do...because of the BRAC1 gene, a double mastectomy was recommended. I met with a Plastic Surgeon about reconstruction and scheduled my surgeries. After my mastectomy, I endured 8 courses of chemotherapy. My doctors, my friends, my family and my company were so supportive. I completed my last chemo on 12/31/2009. I had several reconstruction surgeries and finally, had my ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix removed (preventative) since I was also at high risk for those cancers. My last surgery was in November, 2010. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate being alive!
Ladies, don't put off your is really important to catch cancer early. There is nothing better than being a "Survivor".

Marietta, GA