Positive Attitude and Sense of Humor

I am a 3 1/2 year breast cancer survivor. When I first heard the "C" word I was out of town on business. That's all I heard from the other end of the phone even though that phone conversation lasted 15 minutes. My emotions changed constantly; from sadness, crying, scared, mad and then let's deal with it and get on with life. When I started losing my hair from chemo a close friend sent me the following. It made me laugh and I send it to eveyone I know going through breast cancer and chemo.

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she only had three hairs on her head. Well, I think I'll braid my hair today....she did and had a wonderful day. The next day she saw she only had two hairs and said I think I'll part my hair down the middle...she did and had a grand day. The next day she only had one hair and said I'm going to wear a pony tail...she did and had a fun day. The next day she didn't have any hair on her head and said "Yipppeee...I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Laughter IS the best medicine!

Kansas City, MO