Pink is my Favorite Color!

This is why Pink is my Favorite color!

The last day of March at age 37 as I was getting ready for a day of fun with my kids, I did a quick breast exam before getting dressed. I found a lump, fear and panic ran through me. A day off to spend with my kids turned into a night mare. I was at the doctors in an hour, then a mammogram/ultrasound within two days of that, and a call from my Doctor the next day. I had a good chance it was cancerous, and I was schedule to see a surgeon that afternoon, which then led to surgery the next day. By the time the surgery was over they removed a lump the size of a Bic lighter and found another that had formed after my Mammogram. This lead to a mastectomy and 6 months of Chemo, which ended Oct 13th 2005. I had stage 3 cancer estrogen positive. 5% of women under 40 get this type of cancer. No one in my family ever had breast cancer.
I am alive because I did not wait. I am alive because of research that has improved treatments and extended survival rates. I am alive because of faith, pray and the will to live. I am more Thankful then angry or bitter! I have seen my kids graduate from High school, my Son get married, graduate from the basic training in the Army and enjoy my beautiful grand-daughter.

Thank You to everyone who helps!!

Westland, MI