Our story

Mid last year our family received the unfortunate news of my beautiful Mother having breast cancer, it had to be one of the most emotional days of our lives. Luckily our family is strong and we dealt with it pretty good, we've stayed positive for a positive outcome. Mum has done all of her chemotherapy treatments and is now up to starting her treatment of radiation on Monday this will be on going for 6 weeks 5 days a week.

During the time while Mum was having chemo I became unwell, everyone thought maybe it was in sympathy for Mum. Unfortunately, after a series of doctors and hospital visits.. I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So now the hard journey to get rid of the (as mum and I call it) 'devil' for one had become for both of us. I have to continue having chemotherapy 5 days a week every fortnight for up to 9 treatments in total. It does get kinda crazy while Mum is at the Royal Woman's for appointments - I'm over at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for appointments... It's the way it's become unfortunately.

Throughout my Mums treatment I nurtured her and watched over her on her bad days.
We got through them and I was proud of Mum. Now, Mum sees me through my treatments, has her Herceptin every three weeks, and sees me through my bad days. We don't know what the radiation will do to Mum, but I'm going to try to help her through it as much as I can and in the same time have my treatment.

This has been a big blow to us and our family but fortunately we have the support of friends and family which helps us through and encourages us to fight harder.

Melbourne, Australia