our life as a family

My wife for 23 years had been diegnoced with breast cancer, she was in a world of her own(her mind is out of sorts) for about three months now. We had an argument and she put a restrianing order(just against me seeing or talking to her and nothing against the kids, I can see or do anything with them freely) against me two days before her double masectamy. The kids(three, 13 boy,17 girl and 20 girl) and I are besides our selves. It has been 30 days now and we still don't know what her intentions are about me getting back into the house and with the family. Her mind is turned up side down. Is there any help for poeple in this type of situations? Is this normal for someone to act like this when there is a not knowing about the cancer? She said before all of this, it was all about her and it was her life and she will do what she wants but she seemed to forget about the family. I love her with all my heart, mind, soul and body dearly. I don't know what else to do. We are drifting away and we need to be close at this time of need and time of support. What can be done to save our family? We go to curt soon and we hope she dropps this whole thing and try to get back to some type of normalcy. Please pray for us!!!

St. Louis, MO