Our Hero

Mom discovered a lump in her right breast and she kept an eye on it she thought it was getting bigger so she went to the doctor. The doctor said is was large. Her doctor sent her for a biopsy and that is when we go the devastating news. She was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She has a very fast growing and aggressive form of cancer.

Mom was diagnosed in December of 2013. She started her first treatment January 3rd. She took treatments once every three weeks. Her treatments lasted around 5 hours each treatment. Just after her second treatment her grandmother passed away at 91 years young. She has been mom's guardian angle through this entire process. She took her last treatment April 18th! What a great Good Friday that was!

Mom goes in for a lumpectomy on May 19th. She will then take radiation and continue on her herceptin treatments for the next seven months. She will take a hormone pill every day for the next five to ten years.

We are so proud of her. She is our rock. Even in her wickets moments she had a smile on her face. Positive attitude and faith has played a huge roll for her. She has an entire support group behind her every step of the way. We love you to the moon and back! We are all apart of Terrie's Army!

Please go and get your mammograms yearly and do your self checks! Doing a self check saved my mom's life!

Karrie Matile
Princeton, KS