Our fight

It all started, April 2009 with my yearly Mammogram, 3 weeks later, i was called by the imaging center to get another mammo. I wasn't that much concern about it because, I've taken it twice before. But then when they called me again for a biopsy, then i started to get worried. Four years ago my sister had a Non Invasive ductal carcinoma, it was stage 0. They took the lump out and she undergo Radiation treatment for 6 weeks and had to take pills for 5 years. Everything was ok and she went back to work.
In May 2009, my biopsy results came and it was positive for an Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2. My heart stopped when i got the news from my Doctor, I've never thought it would happen to me, my outlook of life has changed, but i know i had to fight this and not let this disease take over my life. I had a lumpectomy, and was taken 14 lymphnode, in which 1 of them has cancer in it. I had 8 cycles of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. Thanks to my family, especially to my sister and my boy friend, who supported and helped me get through this battle.
A year has passed, and i am now cancer free, and had gone back to work. Ironically, my sister's cancer came back on her other breast and this time it was Invasive, it was Stage 2. They had to do Mastectomy on her almost the same time (june 2010) i had my surgery last year. Last week was her last chemo, but she will have 8 weeks of Radiation to do. The fight will never stop! We will beat this and we will win!! Have Faith and just a strong determination.

Oxnard, CA