Only a matter of time

I was 40 when I lost my mum to breast cancer. I have a strong maternal link with the disease with an aunt, great and grandmother and a cousin all being diagnosed with it before the age of 50 and none of them surviving it. My mum had the genetic testing and it had returned a positive for BRCA 2 and so I knew that I would get it one day.
I had had a scare the same year my mum died but they turned out to be cysts so put it behind me a got on with my life. I was at work the following year and the BreastScreen truck was in town I made an appointment but due to work I missed it. The nurse in the truck knew my family history and rang me and pestered me until the very last day they were there. I am forever grateful to her because they found 2 cancers 1 invasive 1 in situ.
I flew to Townsville for biopsy but I knew in my heart that it was cancer. I went for a mastectomy and asked for a bilateral one at the same time however the Dr refused and to this day I am regretful that I did not insist on having it. I went through 4 chemo rounds and had a reaction to it, got vertigo, put on weight but made it through all the time thinking about my kids.
I have had my bilateral and reconstruction. I hate what it has done to my body and will not look at my scars. Yes I am proud to have come through the fight and am thankful to be cancer free but I am ashamed of the way they look. I know I shouldn't be but I am and I cannot change that feeling.
I have been tested and carry the BRCA 2 gene also I have 3 daughters and they all know that they need to be tested which they will when they are ready. I still have to have a hysterectomy but not yet.

Berri, Australia