only 5 years to live

My name is Janis and I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with metastatis to both lungs in October 2004. I was 44 years old. I did not feel a lump but I noticed that the outer edge of my left breast was caved in and dimpled. A biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of cancer. At first, the doctors thought it was caught early and that the outcome looked good. However my first CT scan brought the news of "too numerous to count metastatic nodules in both lungs." The lung surgeon predicted that I would not be alive 5 years from then. Wow...Since then I have had chemotherapy, radiation a lung biopsy, total hysterectomy and bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction via DIEP flap. I have been cancer free since January 2007 and have not had a reoccurance. I am so blessed and my oncologist calls me her "unusual case". I have 2 children, 25 and 21, who have been supportive throughout all of this. I also have a very supportive mother and father, however my father passed away in May 2005 from Multiple Myleoma (which was diagnosed the same week as my diagnosis). I know this was hardest on my family than it was for me. I wake every day thanking God that I am here to enjoy another day and try to reach out to others to let them know that there is hope, lots of hope and love to make it through. Keep fighting, keep a good attitude and keep smiling. I can't wait for each birthday to come around, what celebrations we will have!!

McConnellsburg, PA