Only 29

I found a lump in October '08 and immediately started contacting doctors. Within a month I had an ultrasound, mammo and biopsy with results that would changemy life. Two weeks before Christmas I had a lumpectomy. My lymph nodes were negative, I had stage two breast cancer. Beginning of new year I had eight rounds of chemo and 36 treatments of radiation. At the time my oldest child was 13 and my youngest of my three was 8. It was one of the hardest things I had to deal with but I knew that I could beat this. With a wonderful husband I made it through without even getting sick once. He was so careful abou every I ate, drank and keeping my house clean. He didn't even allow my kids to use my bathroom. My family help in so many ways and without them I don't know how I would have made it. Now that it is over and my hair has grown back it seems like it was so long ago and it was only last year. This has taught me to follow my dreams and appreciate everything in life.We tend to take things for granted in our hectic lives. Today I struggle with the fear of reacurrance with ever blood test, mammo and mri I have to take. I hope in time this will get easier. It doesn't help the fact that the opposite breast has cyst that they are constantly watching. Staying positive and being loved is what made last year easier for me. Today I try to reach out to young women who have so many questions!! We all should try to help.

Panama City, FL