One year cancer free

July 25th 2012 I found out I had bilateral stage II breast cancer. I was thirty five years old an no family history of breast cancer. I also breast fed all six of my children an was breast feeding at the time I found out I had cancer. I thought the lump I found was a blocked milk duct an boy was I wrong. I'm proof that breast cancer can happen to anyone an that age an family history does not matter. So please every woman please do self checks an save your own life.
Today I'm one year cancer free! The last nineteen months I have had eight surgeries, four months of chemo, an found out I'm positive for the BRAC 1 gene. I have learned so much through this journey an so thankful to still be here with my husband an children. Thank you so much to my husband, family, an friends for helping an loving me an this crazy ride.

Troy, MI