One Step Closer!

In May 2013 I discovered a lump in my right breast, immediately my mind jumped to the worst possible scenario, cancer. My grandma had just overcome stage 4 breast cancer, so it was a logical thing to jump to in my mind. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor, to which he said it felt like a cyst. As you could imagine that was music to my ears, but he still wanted me to go to an ultrasound. Off I went to the ultrasound appt, to my disappointment it was not a cyst, but a swollen lymphnode. Ugh. Back to that big ugly C word, cancer. Yet my doctors didn't think it was cancer because I am too young, as I am only 23. My gut feeling was that it was cancer, but I had three doctors tell me otherwise, so home I went to forget about the lump. Until July when I noticed more changes in my breast, I waited a week before I called my doctor because I didn't want to believe what I knew in my gut. Finally made an appt to get a biopsy on a Friday and had my worst fears confirmed on Monday. Later I was diagnosed at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to have stage 3 invasive ductile cancer, all this was happening a month before my wedding, talk about stress! Luckily my doctors said treatment could wait till after we got back from our honeymoon. The day we got back from our honeymoon I started chemo, 8-20-13, and I am appy to announce that January 2nd, 2014 was my LAST day of chemo! Then I will be off to the next step of treatment which is surgery followed by radiation. Can't wait to be called a survivor!

Oh and there is no way I could do this journey with out my loving, amazing, goofy husband. He puts up with my mood swings and when I am feeling down he can always make me laugh! I have so much support from my friends and family it's overwhelming, so thank you everyone, love you all!

Jennifer Blodgett
Aberdeen, WA