One Lucky Survivor

I went for a routine mammogram ironically on the 20th anniversary of my mother's passing from her second round of breast cancer. I had a premonition while waiting for my name to be called. Sure enough they detected a change from my previous mammogram and 3 weeks later I was diagnosed with DCIS. When my doctor said "it is cancer" that's all I heard from that moment on I thought to myself "I'm not going to die, I'm too young, my kids need me!" The specialist told me it was a"grade 3" cancer and it it has to be removed. I elected on my own before I even saw my surgeon that I was going to have a bilateral mastectomy as I wasn't going to ever go through this again, my mom survived for 22 years before "her enemy" returned, in her words. Unfortunately she wasn't as lucky the second time. My surgery was successful, I had reconstructive surgery at the same time. I was fortunate not to need chemo or radiation because the margins were clear and the cancer was contained in the duct with no lymph nodes affected. I was given the "cancer free" news on December 18, what a wonderful Christmas gift. I have 3 grown children and I plan to be here with my kids for many years to come! I am truly blessed.

Victoria, Canada