On the way

My story has recently started...
Just one month ago... one biopse confirmmed what I didn't suspect : Breast Cancer...
Since then, everything has run fary fastly... I was operated ten days ago and in one or two weeks I'll start with Quimio...
Since the first "bad new" I've faced this like a way... I mean it's my body which is creatin' this cellular dissorder... so I'm not goin' to fight (for me it's like I would fight against myself, and that's something I won't do...) That's the main.reason I haven't added other pages in Facebook (here, in Spain, all pages for Breast Cancer are titled ike "Fight against..." "War against"... and things like that... ) Yours is the only one I've found that doesn't use words like that...
In my mind... is much more important to help my sane-body (almost a 95%) to "convince" these mad cells... to give up their "suicide"... (if they "eat" me... there'll be a moment where there won't be nothin'else to eat...)
I'm helping myself with meditation, Reiki and a very good (& near to me) Psychologist. In my day to day I try to face this "dissorder" with lots of sense of humor...(even black-humor sometimes...) and I feel gratefull for the people that are near to me in this very special moment of my life... I'm receiving lots of support and love... so I'm even gratefull (and I know it'll seem too hard) to my Cancer, 'cause it has given to me the chance to let me know all the people who care and love me...
I'll try to stay positive in tha next months... though I know it's the hardest part of the way I'll have to walk... but I find myself strong enough to try !!!
Thanks for your page !!!

Las Palmas de G.C., Spain