On the Road to Survivor

My journey started August 2013 as I found my lump on a Saturday morning. By Friday of that same week, I'm hearing "I'm sorry but you have breast cancer". I didn't fall apart or burst into tears. God had been preparing me all week to hear this. It's hard to explain but I just knew. Only a few weeks later do I learn that this is the aggressive triple negative BC and I need to move quickly on chemo. I just finished 12 straight weeks of chemo waiting for surgery a week before Christmas and more chemo to follow then radiation. I just do what I got to do. I am a mother of two sweet daughters. I teach the most amazing 3rd graders ever and have family and friends that have my back no matter what. I can do this with God holding my hand and I will be claiming next year that I AM A SURVIVOR!

Jeana Helton
Greeneville, TN