OH NO - Not me!

I am 67 years old and trying to enjoy my retirement!! Not so. I have always had lumpy breasts and was not concerned when my left breast became swollen and I could feel two distinct lumps in it. Mammogram showed nothing new, ultrasound looked suspicious and on New Years Eve, 12/31/13 after the biopsy, the call came. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma --- Happy New Year!!! My margins were clean and there was a micro tumor in one of my sentinel lymph nodes, everything else was clear. First the surgeons talked lumpectomy - then a MRI was scheduled -- several tumors were found in my left breast, I am estrogen and progresterone positive and I have the HER2+ invasive cancer. So a regiment of chemotheropy and herceptin have been scheduled for me. I had my first treatment last Friday. Everyone says how much good a positive attitude is --- that's great but this week I have had extreme fatique, bone and muscle aches from the Neulasta shot and constant stomach cramps -- that takes positive down a few notches. But there are things to be thankful for --- the steriod pills have given me an amazing appetite and I have not experienced nausea. There is absolutely nothing about this journey that is going to be fun but I know at the end I will be cancer free so bring on the bad stuff. I'm gonna fight and I am surrounded by loving friends and family.

Findley Lake, NY