Nothing to worry about....right?

Biopsy Time – There’s nothing to be worried about… Right?
Alis volat propriis
She flies with her own wings!

In the Ultrasound room again and my Boob’s Mug Shot is on the screen already!

And so it begins, a Female Doctor introduced herself (I have no recollection of a single persons name except warm, motherly Maureen at the beginning of all this, and I’m not even sure that is her name now) Another Nurse to the left of me asks me to raise my left arm, I’m kind of on my side and she preps my Breast with Iodine!

“Small Pinch” – Has anyone ever checked Grey’s Anatomy or any Medical book in existance for that to be a technical term during a medical procedure?
Capiatur (Capr.) - Let it be taken.

The Doctor described what she was going to do, but I don’t remember her words… She used a Core Needle to take tissue samples, I felt tugging and the area was numb. It’s a strange sensation and maybe Breast Density makes the procedure different for others. I winced a couple of times when it felt like crunching!
I didn’t cry!

She told me she had left a couple of metal clips inside my breast to mark where the ‘Areas of suspicion’ were! Suspicion, my breast was becoming a criminal, it was secretly out to get me, except not behind my back… Right there, up front!

I looked down at the Two Pink Angel Wing tattoo’s on my hands while Todd drove, I had just got them done in England with Stephanie! We’d talked about having matching Tattoo’s for years and impulsively just walked into a Tattoo shop in Havant and chose Angel Wings! Having them use Pink Ink was my idea, but I don’t know where it came from and I absolutely had never seen the Breast Cancer ‘Wings of Courage’ symbol before!

Breast Cancer had never been in my life, or to my knowledge my family! – I knew really little about it! Practically nothing good anyway!

Brigitte Baxter Steiz
Milford, CT