Not your typical birthday gift

It was a cold spring day. I had just finished moving out of my apartment two days after my 25th birthday. A week later I noticed a pain in my chest. I couldn't breathe, when I walked it would hurt. My spine started hurting and I knew someting wasn't right but I still brushed it off until everyone said go to the doctor. I went and was diagnosed with costochondritis. I asked my doctor about a lump in my breast. I always had cystic breast so I thought nothing of it. I went to have an ultrasound April 12, 2013. I could tell something was wrong from everyone's actions. A mammogram followed then a biopsy all in the same day. I wasn't expecting all of this. They told me there was calcification present and that I may have cancer. I went home, shocked; not knowing what to think. I felt in my heart it was cancer but I wanted to wait. I went back monday, April 15th and to hear malignant I was shocked not a word came out not a tear shed. I called my aunt, it was her birthday, all I could think was this is not a happy birthday.

I shared with more family and friends and to hear them cry I couldn't bear it. I tried to comfort everyone and telling them "don't worry God got this." It took a very long time for me to cry about it. I was diagnosed with stage 4 bc, Her2 positive. May 11th I began treatment, my tumor was 6 cm and as of today it is now 2.1cm. I am done with chemo as of August and now just continuing on herceptin, perjeta a d Tamoxifen.God is good and I believe he will continue to heal me. I have a wonderful support system that have been here for me since day one. I look to inspire other people around the world.

Shiana Thomas
Chicago, IL