Not The Plan

I was 40 years old when I decided to get the Breast Cancer gene test done. My Mom and both of her sisters were diagnosed, as were several other members of my family. So both my cousin and I made the decision to get the test done, pretty much knowing what the results would be. And we were right. I was advised to get both a hysterectomy and double mastectomy. The hysterectomy went well. A few months later I went in for my double mastectomy. I was scared, of course. For years I had mentally prepared myself for this day though. I knew that if I ever had the chance to do this "early", I would. I have Polycystic Kidney Disease, which is going to continue to get worse and I thought that if I could "prevent" breast cancer from happening to me, that would make my life so much easier. So, I'm back in my room after my double mastectomy and my doctor comes in. She has a look on her face that I'm not expecting. She tells me they found two tumors on my right breast and I have Cancer. I think I just stared at her while I thought to myself, I had mammograms, an ultrasound and even an MRI, nothing was found. I ended up just saying,".Ok, what's next?". I was taken back into surgery to remove 13 lymph nodes, all negative. I had 16 weeks of chemo. But the hardest part has been the reconstruction. The physical pain, the emotional pain, wanting to feel like myself again. But I'm making it through it. It's been a year since I was diagnosed. I feel good! I'm almost me again! I'm not wearing a hat anymore! And I couldn't have done any of it alone!

Kristen Jenson
Rapid City, SD