Not my first or last time on the cancer rodeo...because I keep beating the ODDS!!

I wanted to share my story, particularly for everyone that ever gotten a diagnosis of cancer. It's scary. It changes your life. Cancer is the word when you first hear it that little voice in your head says "Your going to die". Well, I'm hear to tell you, I have had FIVE very aggressive cancers, one starting at 18 years of age, to currently fighting skin cancer's that have seemingly seemed to multiply this past year.

I started this cancer journey in 1975, six months away from graduating high school, when a shadow (tumor) was noticed by a radiologist for my chest pre-op for a tonsillectomy. After numerous tests, too many blood pokes and a biopsy it was determined I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. 8 weeks of daily radiation treatments, constant blood draws, and hair falling out too quickly...I finished that treatment and graduated with my high school class of 1976. I was considered "cured". Years went by (I managed to have a baby boy that no medical professional thought I would be able to conceive-miracle!), until my 30's when I had trouble swallowing. Next diagnosis? Thyroid Cancer. Surgery (thyroidectomy) took care of most of the issues, as well as a new life long drug I would have to take called Synthroid. Years went by, until I turned 46 and while showering felt a hard pebble in my left breast. Know that gut feeling you have when you just know something is terribly wrong?

Stage II, 2.5 cm tumor in left breast, with DCIS AND DCIS comedo in right breast. Both breasts. Bi-lateral mastectomies. Given a 50/50 chance of making it 5 years.

Guess what? Here I am!!! NINE years after diagnosis!

Cancer may have muddled my life, caused some distractions, lots of heartache, BUT it does not define me!!

Canton, MI